When you buy a new home, make sure to also purchase homeowners insurance. Since you are investing a sizeable amount of money in your home, don’t delay in getting the coverage to protect your investment. People may think that it is not necessary to spend money on insurance because disasters won’t happen to them. But when serious issues do arise, paying for emergency repairs out of pocket could cause you to lose your home. Here are some reasons why homeowners must have insurance.
What Type of Insurance Do you Need?
Protecting your home from unforeseen circumstances is a necessary part of being a homeowner and maintaining your property. Insurance is a wise investment to have peace of mind and to make sure you and your family are safe, and the money you put into your home and belongings is secure.
Comprehensive homeowners insurance is the gold standard, here are some of the reasons why it is recommended. If you do need to file an insurance claim, contact us today for a free consultation to discuss it with our attorneys who specialize in Texas insurance claims.
Five Reasons to Buy Homeowner’s Insurance as Soon as You Purchase a New House:
- Homeowners insurance begins with minimum hazard coverage which includes damage caused by fire, wind, hail, and robbery damage depending on the situation. When you apply for your mortgage, your lender will require you to purchase this basic insurance.
- The next level of homeowner’s insurance protects your house as well as your furniture and belongings and provides protection in the case of injuries on your property.
- The next type of coverage that is important for homeowners is liability which covers damages that were accidentally caused by you or a family member.
- Personal property insurance is the protection of your valuables and personal items including antiques and potential water damage to your wood floors.
- Comprehensive insurance is reasonably priced for all the protection you get. Although the premium payments may go up over time, keeping the comprehensive home owner’s coverage is highly recommended, because it is very likely that you will need to file a claim during the years you own your home.
Do You Have Questions about Filing a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim?
If you do need to file a home owner’s insurance claim, our Texas insurance claim lawyers are ready to assist you. Contact Mynor E. Rodriguez today for a free consultation to learn how we can assist you to understand your rights and the process, so you are properly compensated.
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