Thursday, July 28, 2016

Should Homeowners Use Insurance to Replace a Hail Damaged Roof

It is not uncommon in this business for people to ask if they should use their insurance to cover a claim.  Often car accident victims don’t want to use their health insurance to get the care they need.  So to, many homeowners wonder about using insurance after a hail storm.  Homeowners may ask themselves whether they should pay for the repair or replacement themselves.  Or, should homeowners use insurance to replace a hail damaged roof?

Why Did you Buy Insurance?

The reason you pay for homeowners insurance is to cover losses.  You’ve paid for insurance for the entire time you’ve had the house.  This insurance is intended to pay for the damage done by the hailstorm. If you’ve had a lot of damage, the cost could be enormous.  You’ve bought it, use it.
We purchase car insurance to protect us from accidents on the highway.  We pay for health insurance in case we need medical attention.  We pay for insurance!  Not using insurance is like throwing away money.

If your roof shows signs of hail damage, contact your insurance company and have them assess the damage. It could be substantial.

Hail Damage Roof Repair can Cost a Ton

Depending on how much damage your roof has, you could need a whole new roof.  Depending on the size of your house, the replacement could cost over $10,000.  The cost of not replacing the roof could be even more money.  Water damage can mess up a house.

Water in the walls, ceilings, and floors can cause permanent damage.  Water coming into the house can damage furniture and destroy belongings.  The roof is not something that you can let go.  Hail damage can harm the roof to the point that water is coming in every time in rains.  Not to mention coming in during the original hail storm.

Can Using my Insurance Hurt Me?

We all wonder if our insurance company will drop us if we use the coverage.  If you’re worrying that your premiums will increase or that your insurance company will dump you, you aren’t alone.  We all fear that using our insurance coverage will cost us.  The Texas Insurance Code prevents your insurance company from increasing your premiums based on a single claim or a claim made for damage from natural causes. 

What you should be more concerned about is that your insurance company will underpay your claim.  More so, you should beware of your insurance company wrongfully denying your claim.  If you’ve decided to use your homeowners insurance to cover your hail damage claim and need help, contact us.

The Author

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